The Lost 45s Membership Options!


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Our commercial free on demand service enables you to listen to the weekly show and five years worth of past shows; Classic Programs; Dozens of themed box sets; plus “The Lost 45 of the Day!” You can listen 24/7 online, on phones or pads! Help keep your seldom played favorite 70s & 80s songs and artists alive!

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Solid GOLD Yearly Membership!
Only $99 for 1 year!
$99 gets you one full year of unlimited commercial free access to “The Lost 45s” weekly show (which you can download), PLUS 5 year database of past shows; Dozens of themed box sets; Classic Shows & "The Lost 45 of the Day!" Preview Here!
Monthly Dyn-O-Mite Membership!
Only $6.99 a month!
$6.99 gets you 30 days unlimited commercial free access to “The Lost 45s” weekly show and the last 3 programs to catch up on, plus the "Lost 45 of the Day" feature! Cancel anytime.
Dig It Weekly
99¢ a week!
$.99 gets you 7 days unlimited commercial free access to "The Lost 45s" weekly show, plus "The Lost 45 of the Day" feature! No downloads. Cancel anytime.