Radio Programmers!


Listeners are missing their favorite records not heard in years. They’ll find them on America’s Largest Classic Hits Music & Interview Library, “The Lost 45s with Barry Scott.”

To be the market authority, you NEED this content! Don’t let the 1% of hits dominate all others. This is a specialty show that truly is special. It’s appointment listening for a fiercely loyal audience!

“The Lost 45s has been a winner for many years, often one of the highest performing dayparts on the station!” -Jon Zellner, EVP Programming/iHeartMedia

“A consistent ratings hit and revenue generator! The audience loves it, so they’re happy! I love it because it generates additional cume!” -Greg Strassell, SVP Programming/Hubbard

Now’s the time to air “The Lost 45s” heard in more than 60 markets. Over 1,000 exclusive artist interviews. The largest TV, movie & news clip library anywhere! Anyone can play records; it’s what we do around them that makes this show so special. INQUIRE now!

With so many options these days, content must be king in terrestrial radio! “The Lost 45s” has been on the air since 1981 playing charted records that no longer receive adequate airplay, most of them Top 10 million selling hits. Even core artists like Elton John, Fleetwood Mac, Rod Stewart, Paul McCartney & Billy Joel have “Lost 45s.” The show is available in both weekly long form (3 hours: 10 local spots per hour) and “Lost 45 of the Day” formats. No horrendous national ads for male enhancement drugs or foot powder; no affidavits or messy paperwork; no contract! We customize IDs & weekly promos for you.  Easy FTP downloads.

Listeners remember the show and the station airing the program because it’s different. Your sales staff will love it because it’s a sellable benchmark. Barry released a best-selling book and CD series internationally. He’s appeared as a music expert on VH-1’s “Behind the Music,” CNN & Howard Stern. The show is often in national Press.

Give your listeners a treat: Something different on the radio! CONTACT us today!

Hear weekly show Promo!

PDs: Demo, Sample Show & Daily Features below!

Hear Artists Praise Barry Scott:
